Summer Picnic 2021 BDS
July 11th 2021 – Hyde Park
Spiritual Heritage The Unitarian Druze & The dignity of women in Druze Society by Dr Adib Khattar الجمعية الدرزية البريطانية الخيرية تدعوكم لمحاضرة الدكتور اديب خطّار عن التراث الروحي عند الدروز و احترام المرءة عند الدين الدرزي On behalf of the British Druze Society Management Committee we would like you to join us to attend the presentation …
Summer Boat Cruise Party 2016 Following the success of last year’s event, the British Druze Society (BDS) – in association with the Melkite Greek-Catholic Church, with its priest and friend of the BDS, Abouna (Dr.) Shafiq Abouzayd – has the pleasure to invite you to its annual summer cruise along the River Thames and the beautiful iconic sights …