Dear Parents and guardians,
It gives me a great pleasure to announce the opening of our Arabic Educational Programme. Achieving this corner stone in our endeavours to serve our Community, I wish to thank our Management Team for their combined efforts in achieving this success story and inaugurating the Programme on time, on the 17th of September 2022.
Our planning started during the COVID lockdown period through virtual meetings which lead us in real time to find a landmark property in Central London and made it the home of our Educational Center. The property itself is within the Brentford School For Girls, 5 Boston manor Road, Brentford TW8 0PG. It features the latest form of security for the children’s safety and in a clean and hygienic environment. Being Saturday lessons, there is ample parking for dropping the children and picking them up later at the entrance of the building. Our staff will be receiving the students from their parents and accompanying them to their classes.
Our curriculum is based on the Lebanese educational system backed with highly experienced teachers with whom we share the successful inauguration of our Arabic Educational Programme.
In answer to a number of questions we received regarding our curriculum, we wish to inform parents that our programme and policy are to welcome students from various faiths who wish to learn Arabic or enhance the Language, and religious teachings are not featured within our educational programme.
We offer spaces which are still available for interested parents who wish to enrol their children. I have seized this opportunity in reaching out to you offering on behalf of our Committee, our best wishes for a good health and safety.
Please register your children here:
📄 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvJCTBttCfpQDPUnL_ael9m0yrR1zzzeL_NfE1zCF1N0xkPQ/viewform
For this purpose and further information, please contact the following members of our
📌 Location:
Brentford School For Girls
5 Boston manor Road, Brentford TW8 0PG
Classes are from 10.30am to 2.00pm with Break included
💸 Fees are £550 per student per annum year 2024-2025 which includes 3 terms.
£500 for the second child, & £450 for the third child
Management Committee:
✅ Rabih Hamze
📲 Phone: 07717317591
📩 Email: education@british-druze.org.uk
Yours Sincerely,
Nabil Abou-Hassan
British Druze Society